In 2020, the Borlaug Training Foundation initiated a mentorship program to assist with career development and effectiveness of young agricultural scientists. Our mentorship program is tailored depending on the interests and areas of research of the mentee, and may include one or more of the following areas: ​
Specified areas of support identified by the mentee.
Assessment of mentee research progress and identification of bottlenecks.
Research proposal development.
Professional development.
Network development.
Mentee role in training others at his/her institutions.
Provide guidance on issues that mentee requests e.g., supervision, conflict resolution.
Manuscript preparation and editing for publication.
Mentoring is intended to bridge and support development of early-career scientists who have successfully completed post-graduate training.
Mentoring could be part of following up on training courses to which the Borlaug Training Foundation contributed.
Mentoring could be a part of collaboration between the Borlaug Training Foundation and National Agricultural Research Institutes.